StreamGaGa One: Stream Video You Like Anytime, Anywhere
StreamGaGa One is a one-stop solution to download videos from Netflix, Prime Video, OnlyFans, Disney Plus, Hulu and more than 1500 streaming services for unlimited offline viewing. Learn More >
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Is the "NoteBurner" video download software safe?

In this issue, we have thoroughly examined the safety of the product "NoteBurner"!

NoteBurner" is software that allows you to easily download streaming videos from the Internet to your computer.

When using video downloading software, you must first make sure that the software is safe.

Therefore, we have thoroughly verified the safety of the "NoteBurner" product!

NoteBurner Basic Information

Since different products are used for different sites, we will use the Netflix downloader as an example here.

Since Netflix videos are in NFV file format, it is not easy to play them on non-official media players. However, NoteBurner Netflix Video Downloader is made specifically for Netflix, so it can convert videos to MP4 file format for downloading, maintains HD high quality, and supports subtitles and audio in multiple languages. As for pricing plans, you can choose from monthly, annual, and perpetual licenses. The monthly fee is about 2,700 yen including tax, the annual fee is about 8,000 yen, and the buy-out fee is just under 20,000 yen.

Is NoteBurner safe?

In conclusion, NoteBurner is not a safe product. Specific criteria for judgment are as follows.

Company information is not clear.

First, the information on NoteBurner's website is very unreliable. Even the company name is not properly listed.

Who would trust a product that does not clearly state the company name?

No privacy policy, legal information, etc.

Legitimate product websites should have a "legal information" or "privacy policy" that clearly states that the product complies with the law.

For example, if you look at the bottom of the home page of Audials, a well-known screen recording software, you will see that such information is well written.

However, no matter how much we look at NoteBurner's home page, we cannot find such a statement.

This is probably another reason why NoteBurner is not a reliable product.

Secure Video Downloader: StreamGaGa Downloader

StreamGaGa Download er is the most powerful software for easily downloading video content from all kinds of websites. It is very simple to use and easy to understand, and downloading starts automatically when you copy and paste a link to a video and play it. In addition, we offer several pricing plans, including monthly, yearly, and buy-one-get-one-free plans. Of course, macOS support is also available. We deliver high quality images as good as movie theaters with the easiest operation. We also offer a free trial and a money-back plan, so please take this opportunity to download our service.

We follow the law to the letter.

If you look at the bottom of StreamGaGa's website, you will see that they are firmly complying with the law, as stated in their "Terms of Use," "Privacy Policy," "Cookie Policy," "Terms of Purchase," and "Disclaimer.

Excellent Contact Support

If you have any problems with the operation of the StreamGaGa downloader, you can check the blog immediately.

There are a huge number of articles, so you can solve most problems within this page.

If you still can't solve the problem, you can contact us directly by e-mail, which is a great relief. We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to try the StreamGaGa downloader.

StreamGaGa One: Stream Video You Like Anytime, Anywhere
StreamGaGa One is a one-stop solution to download videos from Netflix, Prime Video, OnlyFans, Disney Plus, Hulu and more than 1500 streaming services for unlimited offline viewing. Learn More >
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Rinta Kurogi
Rinta Kurogi


After completing my studies at Hitotsubashi University, I am currently a blogger, utilizing the media literacy skills I acquired there. The significance of ascertaining the veracity of information has captivated me since my college days, and this fascination has had a significant impact on my professional growth. This blog aims to grow alongside you, the reader, by sharing knowledge on VOD information and offering you reliable, varied, and impartial information.
It’s important to follow the necessary legal usage rules when using StreamGaGa. Downloading videos for personal viewing and entertainment purposes is generally accepted, as long as it does not involve any copyright infringement or commercial use.
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