Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Our software offers you a free trial period, it is our suggestion that any purchase should be made after you try the software and are satisfied with it.


If you are looking for a refund for your software, we do have our refund policy for you. As long as it is within the refundable period of your subscription, we can offer you a refund.


You could contact our customer service for a refund if you are not satisfied with our features or the functions which are not working well.


However, if the subscription period exceeds 7 days (Lifetime version in 14 days), we can only cancel your subscription instead of a refund.

Cancellation Policy

StreamGaGa offers subscription plan for a monthly or yearly basis, so if you are not satisfied with the service, you can cancel or pause the subscription plan at any time. The cost of that month would be deducted, however, from the next month, we won't charge the subscription fee.

Feedback for Our Software

StreamGaGa welcomes your precious feedback on our software to improve software development and constant perfection.


If you have good feedback or contributions for software, we will reward you once the advice is taken!


Feel free to contact us.

Refund Requests That Will Not Be Accepted

❌ You have changed your mind about our product or plans.


❌ You bought the wrong plan but did not request an exchange prior to the refund deadline.


❌ You claim you did not make the purchase but the order is an automatic renewal.


❌ You choose to cancel the streaming platform subscription.


❌ You have requested a refund, but the money-back guarantee period for the purchase has expired.


❌ You are unable to authorize the product and did not contact the support team for assistance.


❌ You did not read the product description before purchasing, resulting in dissatisfaction with the functions or compatibility of our product.


❌ You choose to refund beacuse the price differences between different regions and suppliers.


❌ You have experienced insurmountable technical issues when using our product, yet you refuse to share any further information or cooperate with our Support Team.


Refund Requests That Will Be Accepted

⭕️ You unintentionally bought the same plan you previously had; the duplicate may be returned for a refund.


⭕️ You have bought the incorrect product and then the correct product within the refund period; the incorrect order may be returned for a refund.


⭕️ You have canceled the auto-renew service prior to the date of renewal, but you are still being charged.


⭕️ There are technical issues with the bought product, and you contacted our support team but the problem wasn't resolved within the refund period, you are eligible for a refund.


Important Notices

    ·    When you sign up for a licensed account with StreamGaGa, you'll have a download quota of 50 per day which means 350 per week from each supported streaming platform. Whenever the quota is used up, it will refill automatically during the next time cycle.


·    StreamGaGa provides a 7-day money-back guarantee on Monthly, Biannual and Annual Plans, and a 14-day money-back guarantee on Lifetime Plans. Your money-back guarantee begins when your payment is processed.


  ·    Automatic renewal is by default enabled. However, the service is optional and may be turned off at any moment. You may contact us through email at [email protected], and we will promptly assist you with canceling the subscription.


    ·    The Mac version and the Windows version are different. After the refund time has expired, no exchanges will be permitted.


  ·    Your refund will be completed within one to seven business days, depending on the specific situation. If you do not get it in a timely manner, please contact the Support Team to inquire about its status.


  ·    After a refund has been granted, the associated license will be canceled. Please uninstall and delete StreamGaGa from your computer.


Please contact us at [email protected] if you have more concerns regarding our refund policy.